About HT Consulting

HT Consulting is a family run business, providing complete customized service for the visually impaired, from Sales and Marketing support to Training.
HT Consulting was established in 2000. Jill Clark and Ulli Schladt came together to create the business after over 15 years of previous experience in the industry. Their company has grown to be a strong force in the Canadian Adaptive Technology Market.

We offer personalized, professional, and friendly service for people with visual impairments as well as those with educational or developmental disabilities.

HT Consulting Products for Blind and Visually Impaired

Who We Are

Jill Clark

Operations Manager

Jill has a Bachelor of Science degree from Trent University in Geography. After graduation, she worked as a Computer Software Trainer at a local college. She then moved to Adaptive Technology in 1994 when she was hired by a screen reader manufacturer to provide training and technical support.

Jill is a Zoomtext Certified Professional as well as a Jaws Certified Professional.


Ulli Schladt

Sales Manager

Ulli has been working in Adaptive Technology for more than 25 years, in Europe and North America. In Germany he worked with Handy Tech Elektronik, where he was responsible for International Sales and Marketing.

Ulli is also a Zoomtext Certified Professional.


Jill & Ulli work with a team of dedicated professionals who assist with training and support.